Mangar Health is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of inflatable moving and handling and bathing equipment.

We are an award winning company proud to serve a global healthcare market with particular interests in Europe, Asia, America and Australia.

We have been in business since 1981 with a clear commitment to the design of products which enable people to retain their independence and dignity while reducing the risk of strain and injury to carers.


Dementia: The One-Stop Guide: Practical advice for families, professionals, and people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, Dr June Andrews 2015

This is one of the best books I’ve read about living, working and supporting those with dementia.  Sensible advice from someone who knows the area well.  This is the go to book on dementia I recommend when helping friends to support family members with dementia.  It’s written plain simple understandable language.  Many of the thoughts and ideas have formed the base for a good chuck of the dementia training THCTC offers.  What makes this book very special is that it offers realistic, doable solutions to diverse problems faced in caring for people with dementia.

Amazon Link:

Wellbeing in Dementia: An Occupational Approach for Therapists and Carers, By Tessa Perrin & Hazel May 1999

This book started my real understanding of dementia and activities in care homes.  I know it’s a little old now.  It still is very current and offers a lot of very sound advice for activities co-ordinators working with older people with and without dementia.

The content of this text forms a large piece of the underpinning knowledge for course Meaningful Activities and Dementia.  It offers a structure for really meaningful activities for people in the different stages of dementia.  Of course, I would recommend you attend our course.  I would also tell you to buy this book, if you attend or not.

Amazon Link:

The End-of-Life Namaste Care Program for People with Dementia, By Joyce Simard 2013

This book is the missing link in dementia care and dementia activities in care homes in the UK. It’s easy to read and understand.  The author is truly passionate about dementia care.  The book itself is a little repetitive, but still worth a read because of the underlying ideas it has to offer.  It offers concepts that have changed my view of what end of life care for those with dementia should be totally.

Amazon link:

The Barbell Prescription: Strength Training for Life After 40 Paperback – 1 Dec 2016

by Jonathon M Sullivan

This isn’t an easy read.  It is however a possible turning point in the way we look keeping fit into middle age and way beyond.  The material explores the ageing phenotype (mentally and lifestyle).  The futility of the existing dogma that exists on exercise and older people in keeping the same old people fit for the battle of life.

I highly recommend the book, stick with it, it’s worth the battle.

Taking Conversations from Difficult to Doable: 3 Models to Master Tough Conversations

The best of the books I’ve read about having difficult conversations.  If you must manage the performance of others in a care setting you could do a lot worse than following this model.

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self -Treatment Guide for Pain Relief: Your Self-Treatment for Pain Relief.  3rd Edition

By Clair Davies 2013

For those who are unaware of Trigger Point Therapy it is truly amazing.  It helps sufferers of muscular pain to relief.  This is the go to book on the subject.  I think of this book in the same way I do of aspirin.  Both should be on a shelf somewhere in your home and readily to hand.

Amazon link:

Challenging Behaviour in Dementia: A Person-Centred Approach

By Graham stokes 2000

This was one of the first decent books I read on challenging behaviour and dementia.  It is a detailed, extremely practical book that will shape you thinking in a very positive way.  It’s also written in a clear way that makes it easy to read.  It provides a balanced mix of theory and practice.  Uses case studies to explore different behaviours effectively.  The book suggests a team approach in the management of challenging behaviour.

Amazon link:

Chair Based Exercise for Older People: A Chair Based Exercise Training Course Kindle Edition

By George Flaherty 2005

Chair Based Exercise for Older People is a practical guide for those working with people who live in social care settings.

The book looks at how to put an exercise programme together.  The need for assessment, looking at the holistic model of wellbeing and how long-term illnesses affect exercise.  In addition, it discusses who should avoid exercise.

There are comprehensive details of warm up, the main content of an exercise session and cool down. These are also described using pictures. George explains in detail how each exercise should be performed. The book compliments the DVD of the same name.

Chair Based Exercise for Older People is a must guide for people wanting to provide exercise sessions for those living in social care settings.